Thursday, November 29, 2012

Our buddy, the Elf

Show of hands…Who thinks that Elf is the funniest Christmas movie E-V-E-R?  I hate to admit this about myself but I am a little “grinchy” between Thanksgiving and Christmas because of the lack of sleep and the fact that my motor runs at 150 mph until I collapse on Christmas Eve.  I can count on my tall green friend every year to put me in a festive frame of mind!  Elf will make his appearance this Friday night for our Family Friday Fun Night…woohoo!

On December 1st , we will begin our season of traditions.  Our “mischievous” Elf will be making his debut.  I really don’t know who has more fun in our family with this little guy…me, Christopher or the kids?!  On Saturday morning, I will have our little bag of elf kisses* at the breakfast table to kick off our month.  Look out folks because this will be like the gun at the beginning of a race.  Once the boys put ‘two and two’ together…game on!  In months past, the smell of bacon or the bark of our furry feline would wake our boys in the morning...NOT in the month of December!!  The boys have an internal clock that will wake them up and they will race down the stairs hoping to be the first one to find our little friend.  This year I dedicated a board on Pinterest* to Elf tricks so that we could kick it up a notch!  I have to give Christopher credit on this tradition.  With the hustle and bustle of our daily life in December, I tend to forget about our elf but Christopher always remembers.  In honor of Jasmine (our elf's name), we designed the lil’ elf feet*.  This design has always been a personal favorite.  It fits our family!

Our newest tradition this year is ‘24 books of Christmas’*.  I’m so excited about this new tradition.  We have 24 wrapped books about Christmas (unwrapped in the pic but it's on my to-do list for tonight)  We will start by reading our Elf book and then we will unwrap a book and read before we go to bed each night.  I’m sure that many of you deal with AR reports in school.  So this is a win/win tradition.  I’m looking forward to the 6 of us (AND Sugar) snuggling up in our bed reading each night.  Seems like the perfect end to a hectic day!

As my friend Buddy the Elf says, “I just like to smile, smiling’s my favorite!!”  This will be my mantra for December! 

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