Friday, November 14, 2014

Turkey Fruit Tray

This post proves my point that I like to put faces on food!  Thanksgiving is such a fun holiday for me but it requires being in the kitchen most of the day.  My boys tend to get hungry and sometimes impatient while waiting for the BIG meal.  I have found that if they have a project or are able to help with Thanksgiving dinner, we all win.  Several years ago, I found a project similar to the picture above and it was the perfect project/snack before mealtime.  If you're responsible for Thanksgiving dinner, try a food project for the kids.  It's a great way to pass the time AND this particular project is healthy!!
Last year, one of my sweet potatoes resembled a bird.  Several of the adults and my oldest son scurried around and created a table decoration.  I had one less sweet potato but gained some fun memories!  That's what it's all about, right?

Other posts on Thanksgiving can be found here.
Our Thanksgiving board on Pinterest can be found here.

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